Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Mukhammadieva Shakhzoda Farkhodovna
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.52351
Certificate: View Certificate
The digital environment is an important component of English language teaching in higher education. The relevance of using digital technology in the teaching of English lies in the fact that modern information and communication technologies allow the teacher to all types of communicative activity: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The article describes the techniques and methods of using of Internet resources for development and perfection of English language skills of legal studies students. The aim of the article is to generalize practical experience of using digital technologies in English classes. The paper presents a detailed algorithm for each web resource, which is presented as an example. Different types of information and communication technologies are discussed for use in the classroom by the teacher and for students\' independent work outside of class time. The conclusion is made that modern information and communication technologies are a necessary and comprehensive tool for use in teaching and independent learning of English.
In the context of the thematic field the problem of improving the quality of grammar learning through the use of Internet technologies in foreign language classes is raised. The underlying assumptions are psychological and pedagogical conditions and methodological components of teaching students by means of web resources with the help of interactive language exercises in correlation with the themes of CPC which is the main means of teaching the foreign language and the characteristics of the opportunities of the modern educational space. In the current age, the prospect of making the classroom an engaging process of learning and teaching is accessible and attainable. The aim of the study is to classify web-based resources and identify the main features to describe the digital tools used for creating interactive exercises in practice. Of particular relevance in the creation of exercises in the training of written and oral forms of speech are caused by cases arising from the allocation by type of grammatical reference tasks in the example source, a detailed analysis of which forms the basis of the characteristics of the constructed electronic materials for the detailed analysis of these materials forms the basis for characterizing the constructed electronic materials for developing grammatical skills. Rubrics of online services with respect to the degree of didactic provision by general education level or grade level. The achievement of the objective was accompanied by the need to realize the objectives in connection with the study of the characteristics of educational online platforms - web space for posting materials classrooms with personal accounts for the teacher and the target audience. Theoretical significance is determined by the rationale for the differences between mainstream and general online platforms. The scientific novelty of the research is seen in the theoretical development of exercises and systematization of the results of implementing the principle of communicative competence development in the culture of foreign speech culture.
Modern foreign language teaching methodology distinguishes a term that combines "both knowledge, skills and abilities into a whole and mastering it is the aim of teaching any foreign language and it is communicative competence - a key component of mastering the English language, which implies applying the language tools in memory in order to perceive and construct spoken and written language behavior taking into account socio-cultural norms of society socio-cultural norms of society". [1, 272]. To focus on the personal development of learners and their social and emotional needs in the process learning requires training and experience in different disciplines of humanities sciences at the level of education, informatics and methodology. The professional the teachers' experience should be in harmony with the humanistic construction of the structure of the class, achieved through a high degree of motivation and intellectual and pedagogical participation in order to achieve the desired results. Increasing the active participation of learners in the classroom enables the development of communication strategies and skills as well as the quality of the learning process.
By acting as a facilitator, actively motivating learners, the teacher can create EFL environment in which learners become collaborative citizens practicing tolerance and mutual respect. The approaches to categorizing EDM in the educational domain are different: it is difficult to define the type of a web resource because many of them are varied in terms of their thematic and content. The paper reflects the analysis of web resources on which dialogue grammar exercises have been developed, specifying their types according to the classifications presented. The state standard specifies criteria for EER grouping: a) general education (pre-school, primary general, basic general and secondary general education), b) vocational (vocational training, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher vocational higher professional education, postgraduate vocational education).
Educational System" classifies "electronic educational resources into two categories: receptive (perception and assimilation of knowledge by students takes place passively - information is conveyed using audiovisual materials. According to the form of learning, there are digital educational services for offline or online classes, self-education, building a system of assignments for externships and family education. Visitors to educational websites include a teacher, a student, an education worker, an education manager a teacher, student, teacher educator, education manager, methodologist, technical support staff of an educational institution. Educational resources are referred to as universal. E-Learning resources are categorized according to their type: "teaching material (textbook or study guide, test questions, e-learning course, teaching material (methodological recommendations, curricula and syllabi), reference (databases, encyclopedias), illustrative and demonstrative, additional information (textbooks, bibliography), normative documents (educational standard, regulations), electronic libraries, educational websites, software products for educational institutions (educational platforms for educational institutions, tools for computer-based learning tools)". [3, 68].
The presented web resources fully coincide in the subgroups with the categorization by function in the educational process, so they are combined. The intended use of web resources is distinguished by instructional, reference and leisure types, where the latter two are successfully implemented in classroom and independent work of students. The services are classified according to the degree of didactic support. In terms of educational activities, web resources are subdivided into those accompanying practical work (videos, audio clips, presentations), extra-curricular activities, individual work in class, extra-curricular activities, e-learning and e-learning. According to the nature of information representation EDM are divided into "multimedia (audio, video), visual, software products (services or tools for or publishing tools), text-based, electronic copies of printed materials". [3, ?. 129]. Based on the degree of interactivity, web resources are categorized as follows: active (the user interacts with the interface of the e-learning tool), descriptive (learners or information without the right to edit it), mixed (encompasses the functions of the previous two types), and undefined (does not belong to any of them). Another criterion for classification is the measure of compliance. EERs are consistent fully, partially conform to standards. In categorizing EDMs, E.A. Vylegzhanina considers two groups in terms of their functions in the educational process: methodological and didactic. Accordingly, the first function is defined as teaching (imparting knowledge, formation of skills for full digestion), simulators (practicing of skills and abilities, and topic repetition and consolidation) and informational. Fact-finding and referencing (conveying and systematizing information) and demonstration (visualization of the phenomena being studied). The second group includes "formative, which consolidate and generalize knowledge, provide information, formulate abilities, controlling the level of knowledge, improving skills web services". [4, ?. 31]. The presented classifications are similar in the selected subgroups, hence, they are partially identical in terms of content The plan is similar groups: teaching and shaping, exercising and reinforcing, information retrieval and communicating. The first group is quite capacious; the second one is more concrete. Digital tools are used to create e-learning materials. According to the variety of possible exercise types, the best known are LearningApps and WordWall for the development of interactive exercises and games, ISLCollective (constructing dialogue worksheets), Learnis - generating interactive videos, web quests, WriteReader - composing e-books. The list of educational designers is inferior in functionality to the universal service called "online education platform", which is a web space for publishing lesson materials with personal teacher and the target audience. Teachers keep track of students' progress while they perform classroom or extracurricular work on EERs. The newest Russian digital learning environments - Vznaniya, Edvibe: "they have a similar interface - it is possible to download media and audio files, create games and exercises, prescribe the structure of the lesson" [5, 378]. [5, ? 378].
The main advantage of the first educational space compared to the second is the loyalty in providing a free version: on Edvibe after the trial period one has to pay according to the tariff plan, while on Vznaniya the construction of lessons are not limited to a specific time period. In the free version the choice of exercise types is partly available: Vocabulary drill (8 of 13 options), Assessment (13 of 22 options), Video (10 of 10 options), Activities (1 of 29 game activities, 16 of which are under development by technicians). Pedagogical practice shows that the capabilities of the basic «???????» are sufficient for classroom lessons, small group or individual lessons in both online and offline formats.
Consequently, this web-based tool has a wide range of applications and is considered a universal online educational platform. The paper presents the characteristics of the web services used (???????, WordWall, LearningApps and WriteReader) through the disclosure of the above-mentioned features of EER. The combination of these web-based resources provides a high level of ICT support in the classroom in light of the current geopolitical situation. There are some difficulties with one of the programmes, but they are related to the quantitative limitation of constructible exercises (there are ways to solve them). The users of these web-based tools are teachers or teacher educators and students. All of the implemented Internet resources act as e-Learning resources and e-RMAs in terms of their intended use. In terms of didactic support, the designed tasks are linked to the studied topic or section. "Knowledge", WordWall, LearningApps and WriteReader are accompanying web resources for classroom and extracurricular activities and are appropriate for independent activities and distance learning. In the context of the form of information presentation, these web services are related to software products; on the basis of interactivity they are active EERs. On the basis of interactivity, they are active EERs which fully correspond to GOSTs. These web-constructors belong to the group of learning simulators by methodological distribution and by didactic distribution . They are used from the stage of acquaintance with knowledge to mastering skills. With regard to the degree of activity of students in the class. The methodological basis for the design of interactive exercises and tasks is the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). The developed electronic additional materials for the AAL lessons take as a basis the themes from the manuals as sample units for future interactive grammar exercises.
The choice of one line is determined by the objective: to compare the content side of the QMSD with the position of the grammar component. At the stage of familiarization with the grammatical structure, learners perform "usage" exercises to assimilate phenomena, demonstrate knowledge of (exercises on opening parenthesis, selecting the correct form). The first type aims at consolidating language material through changes and transformations of models, the second type aims at frequent reproduction of grammar with its meaningful content (guessing quizzes with the same type of questions and answers, limited to a selection of questions and answers, limited to a choice in changing the original variant). Another form of tasks with the same purpose is "controlled exercises", which include a specific setting, a pattern of execution and one correct option solution. During the consolidation phase, the language skills are brought up to the speech level to improve pupils' autonomy. There are Guided exercises" are conditionally communicative exercises with explanations on how to the construction of a statement or a dialogue. The attention of the students is focused on the grammatical units included or on the ability to produce spoken or written the language. The "use" type is close to the natural practice of using knowledge and skills through speech interaction.
In conclusion, it has to be stressed that the above attributes of EER classifications have become the basis to characterize the web services applied in practice. The above-mentioned attributes of EER classifications have become the basis for characterizing the web services applied in practice, which in turn serve as platforms for generating electronic materials. The latter are based on the examples of grammar tasks from the studied educational complexes. According to the comparative analysis of these sites, it has been suggested of the necessity of supplementing the aids due to the feasibility. The study guide can be used in English lessons in combination with the developed online language exercises. The second one needs to change the format of the provided exercises to electronic ones by means of their demonstration on an interactive whiteboard with the possibility to edit or create identical materials in an interactive form. Using ICT in the classroom means regular study of modern e-learning tools and a solid grasp of the pedagogical component objectives, tasks and types of constructive dialogical exercises for the development of students' grammatical skills. This demonstrates the practical significance of the compiled set of grammar exercises and its testing in a number of classes. We have presented classifications of web resources and the main features to describe of the digital tools used in the practical part of the work to create interactive exercises which are used in the practical part of the work and classified by type the grammar reference tasks in the example source, their detailed analysis forms the the basis for characterizing the constructed electronic materials for developing grammar skills.
[1] Mirolyubov A.A. Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages: Traditions and Modernity: Textbook. Obninsk: Titul, 2010. [2] Polat E.S. Modern Pedagogical and Information Technologies in Education System: Textbook. Moscow: Academy, 2007. [3] Sysoev P.V. Methodology of teaching foreign language using new information and communication Internet technologies: educational-methodical Textbook. Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX, 2010. [4] Tokareva N.N. Constructive models of communication for adolescents in the format of successful personality modeling. Historical and Socio-Educational Thought. 2013; ? 6: 30-35. [5] Shchukin A.N. Teaching Foreign Languages: Theory and Practice: Textbook. Moscow: Philomatis, 2006.
Copyright © 2023 Mukhammadieva Shakhzoda Farkhodovna. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET52351
Publish Date : 2023-05-16
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here